Sunday, May 19, 2013

Caroline Really Loves....

While the average woman can spend up to fifteen thousand euro on beauty products in her lifetime, Blogger Caroline of 'Caroline Loves...' proves that a beauty routine doesn't have to be a major investment. Simple skincare products are ideal for her dry skin and a basic makeup routine consisting of lipgloss, mascara and Elizabeth Arden foundation keeps Caroline looking prepped and polished on evenings out.

Caroline's love of basics is also apparent in her fashion choices. Wardrobe staples include waistcoats, corsets, skinny jeans. A love of fashion which stemmed from her work in a charity shop in Charleville, Co. Cork has led to her setting up her fashion and lifestyle blog 'Caroline Really Loves' which will give readers an insight into her "easy, simple style." Carolines day to day inspiration comes courtesy of fashion glossy Glamour Magazine, Victoria Beckham and her sales assistant position in the charity shop where she has found a lot of 'really great finds' including a Timberland rucksack which she uses daily.  

I admire Caroline's simplistic style and ability to stick to her guns when it comes to what she likes. I look forward to keeping up to date with her new blog!

Make sure to stay up to date with what 'Caroline Really Loves' at